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All CollectionsEquipment Retrievals
Viewing Retrieval History
Viewing Retrieval History
Written by Tyler Okland
Updated over a week ago

Accessing your retrieval history in Accessed Space provides a comprehensive overview of all equipment retrievals initiated through your account. This feature allows you to track and manage the status of company-issued devices that are being returned, offering valuable insights into your asset management process.

What You Can View in Retrieval History

When you access the retrieval history in your Accessed Space account, you'll find details regarding your retrievals, including:

  1. Addresses: Address of the employee the box is going to, and the address where the device return will go once the employee mails back the retrieval box.

  2. Tracking Status: See the current status from the last carrier scan along with ship date, and delivery date.

  3. Tracking Numbers: See the full tracking number, and status of the return. Check real time from a tracking page by clicking on the tracking number for either your employee or return location.

  4. Order Details: See the order price details that was deducted from your account wallet. Can also download an invoice for record keeping.

  5. Notes: Comments or updates provided by Device Rescue, the vendor handling the retrieval process, giving you real-time information about the status of each return. You'll also be able to add your own notes available to you and your other logged in users who have access to the account. (Note: Device Rescue cannot see notes you provide, but you'll be able to see any notes they provide regarding the retrieval

  6. Associated Team Members: Information about the employees from whom the equipment is being retrieved, if applicable.

  7. Device Details: Specific information about the devices being retrieved, such as laptops, tablets, or cell phones, when this information is available.

    1. Note: You must retrieve the device from the asset management section for it to be attached to the retrieval with your employee.

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