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Adding Assets by UPC
Written by Tyler Okland
Updated over a week ago

Adding new assets within Asset Management is now more convenient with the UPC search feature. By searching the Universal Product Code (UPC), Accessed Space can fetch and auto-fill the asset's name, description, category, and brand, significantly reducing the amount of manual typing required. Additionally, we retrieve the stock image of the asset, replacing the generic default preset image.

Steps to Add Assets by UPC

  1. Navigate to the Add Asset Page

    • Go to the Asset Management section of your Accessed Space account.

    • Click on the "Add New" button to open the asset creation form.

  2. Initiate UPC Search

    • Within the asset creation form, locate the "Asset Name" field.

    • Click on the UPC icon next to the "Asset Name" field to open the UPC search modal window.

  3. Enter or Scan the UPC

    • In the modal window, you can either type the UPC manually or use a UPC scanner to scan the barcode.

    • Ensure your UPC scanner is set to automatically trigger a tab or enter command after each successful scan to expedite the process.

  4. Fetch Asset Details

    • Once you have entered or scanned the UPC, press the "Tab" or "Enter" key on your keyboard, or let your UPC scanner complete the action.

    • Accessed Space will search the UPC database and automatically fill in the asset details including the asset name, description, category, and brand.

    • The stock image of the asset will also be fetched and displayed, replacing the default preset image.

    • Showing Asset data pulled in after scanning UPC.

  5. Review and Complete Asset Information

    • Review the auto-filled information to ensure accuracy.

    • You can manually adjust any details if needed.

    • Complete any additional required fields that were not auto-filled by the UPC search.

  6. Save the Asset

    • Once all information is verified and completed, click the "Create Asset" button to add the new asset to your Asset Management section.

By using the UPC search feature, you can streamline the process of adding new assets, ensuring accuracy and saving time. This feature helps maintain consistency and reduces the effort required for manual data entry.

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